Elinor could not be surprised at their attachment. She only wished it could be less openly shown, and once or twice tried to suggest to Marianne that she should have more self-control. But Marianne, and Willoughby too, believed that real feelings should never be hidden, and that it would be false to do so. When Willoughby was present, Marianne had eyes for no one else. 去书内

  • 杨诺析 杨诺析

    There are many kinds of love in the world, love of parents, love between relatives, love between lovers and so on. Love is often need to express, because you do not say, a lot of people do not know, often also can not experience your love. And your pay, often be turned a blind eye, so love sometimes need to say out loud, but sometimes love in silence Parents' love is often expressed between years of getting along. With the growth of age, parents do not speak out easily, often through action to express. Prepare a lot of delicious food for you, prepare a lot of clothes for you. Miss you will not say, will only make a phone call, through a few short words, to solve the pain of lovesickness. And the love of lovers, as Marianne and Willoughby had done, ought to be expressed most directly. When you like a guy or a girl, you need to let them know. Love needs to be said out loud.

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