那位绅士向她伸出援手,尽管玛丽安娜表示反对,他还是把她抱下了山,又径直将她抱进屋里,小心翼翼地放在客厅的沙发上。 这个陌生人抱着玛丽安娜进屋时,埃莉诺和她母亲吃惊地站了起来。当她俩看着他,并暗暗欣赏他那英俊非凡的外表时,他非常礼貌地为自己冒昧地闯入向她们道歉。即使他苍老、丑陋、粗俗,达什伍德夫人也会为他对她女儿的照料而感激不尽,而现在他的相貌和气质深深地打动了她。她反复向他道谢,并询问这位恩人的姓名。他回答他姓威洛比,目前住在艾伦汉姆,之后又真诚地表示希望她能允许他明天来问候达什伍德小姐。他的请求立即得到了满足,然后他就转身离去了。他在倾盆大雨中消失的背影使人对他更感兴趣了。 去书内

  • 黄佩瑶

    The first sight of the self-serving and self-serving stranger, who had been so gracious and brave in the rain, as he departed, I could only have attributed it to the emotion of parting; and the last words of Willoughby, as the colonel put it, I could only have felt a great dread in reflection. Looking back at Willoughby's first encounter with Marianne, it makes one wonder whether he would have followed the same story if ABC had been a stranger instead of Marianne. I also wonder if he had any affection for her, the poor girl.第一眼风度翩翩,冒雨施救的陌生人,临走前自私自利的模样我只以为是分离不舍让他一时激动,最后字句斟酌上校口中的威洛比我只是觉得细思极恐。回看威洛比与玛丽安的初次相遇,让人不觉思考如果那时候的女主不是玛丽安而是路人ABC,他是否会按照相同的剧情走下去,我也想知道,他对玛丽安,那个可怜的女孩子,有没有存一点点的喜欢。

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