The Miss Dashwoods now began to feel really at home at Barton. They went walking, and practised their drawing and music with far greater enjoyment than at any time since the death of their father. They did not have many visitors, except for those from Barton Park, as there were few other houses within walking distance. There was, in fact, a large, comfortable-looking house about a mile from the cottage, in the village of Allenham, but they heard that its owner, an old lady of good character called Mrs Smith, was unfortunately not well enough to mix in society. There were beautiful walks all around 去书内

  • 吴美玲 吴美玲

    In this chapter, the old man transfers his property to his distant relatives because he has no son or daughter.This is the phenomenon of property inheritance in England in the 18th century. But in China, when there are no immediate family members, inheritance will follow the following order: the first order: spouse, children, parents. The second order: brothers and sisters, grandparents, grandparents. After the succession begins, the successors in the first order shall inherit, and the successors in the second order shall not. If there is no successor in the first order, the successor in the second order shall inherit. If the decedent's children die before the decedent, the lineal blood relatives of the decedent's children shall inherit by subrogation. Generally speaking, a subrogation successor can only inherit the share of the estate that his father or mother has the right to inherit.There are some differences between them.

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