Over the next few days, Elinor took great care to hide her unhappiness. She was glad to spare her family the shocking news of Edward's secret engagement, as she knew that their affection and sorrow would only add to her misery. At convenient moments, she returned to the subject in quiet conversation with Lucy. She learnt that Lucy was determined to hold Edward to the engagement, and that Lucy was jealous of her because Edward, apparently, always spoke of her with great admiration. Indeed, what other reason could Lucy have for telling Elinor her secret, if not to warn her to keep away from Edward? Elinor realized with great sadness that Edward 去书内

  • 胡珍丽 胡珍丽

    终身接触方式 在生活中,有许多类似的例子,就像这一章一样,也是为了得到米德尔顿夫人的认可和喜爱。这样的奉承并不是一件好事。 为了得到别人的认可和爱,努力迎合他人的观点,这不是真诚的,但也是违反惯例的。但在不同的情况下,这并不一定是一件坏事。 口可能是一种保护性能,保护意识过强。 首先,他需要意识到,这是一种两面派的表达。 第二,让他知道口是心非的利弊 那么嘴就没什么大不了的,因为今天的社会是不能继续下去的。能够学习口是心非也是一项技能。 所以,学会正确地对待它,学会区分是非是关键

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