In the past he had always commanded a certain amount of respect, which
was a compound of appreciation and awe. The familiarity which in part
still existed between himself and his daughter he had courted. As it
was, it did not go beyond the light assumption of words. The tone was
always modest. Whatever had been, however, had lacked affection, and now
he saw that he was losing track of their doings. His knowledge was no
longer intimate. He sometimes saw them at table, and sometimes did not.
He heard of their doings occasionally, more often not. Some days he
found that he was all at sea as to what they were talking about—things
they had arranged to do or that they had done in his absence. More
affecting was the feeling that there were little things going on of
which he no longer heard. Jessica was beginning to feel that her affairs
were her own. George, Jr., flourished about as if he were a man entirely
and must needs have private matters. All this Hurstwood could see, and
it left a trace of feeling, for he was used to being considered—in his
official position, at least—and felt that his importance should not
begin to wane here. To darken it all, he saw the same indifference and
independence growing in his wife, while he looked on and paid the bills
Here the mercenary of Sister Carrie came out. We can actually see it in her body movements. Winter came, she had no coat ,felt hat, cotton shoes, she wind shivered on her body. Carrie was in the midst of her despair when she met Drouet, the young salesman. Soon Carrie became her mistress.