Notwithstanding 去书内

  • 李晓航 李晓航

    Notwithstanding this record of growth and change, the Bank is still ~ing with a relatively small number of projects. 尽管有这些增长和变化的记录,该银行所处理的项目仍然比较少。 2. His on-stage persona as a Zen-like mystic notwithstanding, Mr Jobs was an autocratic manager with a fierce temper. 尽管在台上,乔布斯充满了禅宗似的神秘感,但台下,他却是一个独裁的暴脾气管理者。 3. There was no doubt that, notwithstanding the few Cassandras who correctly prophesied gloom and doom, the profession had failed colossally. 毫无疑问,尽管有少数几个唱衰者正确预测了暗淡的前景,但整个经济学界遭遇了惨败。

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