presence 去书内

  • 吴灵灵 吴灵灵

    n. in the presence of sb in sb's presence 在…面前;有…在场 with sb in the same place The document was signed in the presence of two witnesses. 本文件由两位证人见证签署。 She asked them not to discuss the matter in her presence. 她要求他们不要当着她的面讨论这个问题。 in the presence of sth 存在…的情况下;有…的存在 when sth exists in a particular place Litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid. 石蕊试纸遇到酸就变红。 make your presence felt 突显自己;对(人群或局势)发挥作用 to do sth to make people very aware of the fact that you are there; to have a strong influence on a group of people or a situation

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