Ancient Egyptian, however, was not a sign language. The clever people of the Nile had passed beyond that stage long before. Their pictures meant a great deal more than the object which they represented, as I shall try to explain to you now
古埃及文字却不是一种浅白的符号语言。尼罗河两岸的智慧人士早己超越了这个语言的初级阶段。他们的图案的意义要比图案所代表的物象更为抽象。我试着给你们做些解释。 summary: 1. the stage long before: long before在…以前很久。 long before the stage: 在这个阶段以前很久,所以意为“初级阶段”。 2. meant 意为动词时候不容易翻译(他们的照片比他们所代表的对象意义更大),所以不如动词名词化。 Their pictures meant a great deal more than the object which they represented. 他们的图案的意义要比图案所代表的物象更为抽象。