When the natural qualities of men get the better of the results of education, they are rude men. When the results of education get the better of their natural qualities, they become literati. It is only when the natural qualities and the results of education are properly blended, that we have the truly wise and good man 去书内

  • 肖娴xx 肖娴xx

    literati 文人; 质胜文则野,文胜质则史。文质彬彬,然后君子 这是孔子的传世名言。它高度概括了文与质的合理互补关系和君子的人格模式。文与质是对立统一、相辅相成的。未经加工的质朴是朴实淳厚的,但容易显得粗野。

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