ven with China's opening up and with the growing exchange of information, some Chinese people simply cannot resist the temptation of molding China's favorite foreign university in our own image, which is essentially a school staffed by thousands of tiger moms. Thus were born the rumors about the 20 statements plastered on the walls of Harvard's library. The statements were said to include: "If you sleep now, you will have a dream, but if you study now, you will realize a dream"; "Even though happiness is not based on a person's performance records, success is the likely result"; and "If you study one more hour, you will have a better husband." 去书内

  • 用户568423 用户568423

    Indectly describing the way of Chinese education differ from the foreign education, and critising the way of Chinese learning

    2023-04-11 喜欢(0) 回复(0)