As he did not answer—for he could find nothing to say, he would have liked to go down on his knees—she burst out laughing, a sort of annoyed, displeased laugh, as she said: "Great goose, what ails you? You might at least say something." 去书内

  • 用户697950 用户697950

    Why do you love him the most? Is it a familiar experience, as if destined in the dark? Fate is not in your control. The more you struggle, the deeper he drills into your heart. The more you want to forget, the more unforgettable he becomes! If it's not clear, you will continue to entangle. Once it's clear, you'll leave. Not yet clear, because you are not yet independent enough, and you still hold illusory expectations; I can't do it without you because you're not strong enough

    2023-05-09 喜欢(0) 回复(0)