Are there any marks of a distributive justice in the world? If you answer in the affirmative, I conclude, that, since justice here exerts itself, it is satisfied. If you reply in the negative, I conclude, that you have then no reason to ascribe justice, in our sense of it, to the gods. If you hold a medium between affirmation and negation, by saying, that the justice of the gods, at present, exerts itself in part, but not in its full extent; I answer, that you have no reason to give it any particular extent, but only so far as you see it, at present, exert itself. 去书内

  • Mathilda Mathilda

    As long as the concept of wealth and inferiority exists among human beings, the "true fairness and justice" cannot be realized, it only exists in people's ideas and fantasies. It is impossible for everyone to be at the same starting line because of the different personal conditions of the members of society, the difference in talent and ability.

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