On a bright summer evening, two persons stood among the shrubbery of a garden, stealthily watching a young girl, who sat in the window seat of a neighboring mansion. One of these unseen observers, a gentleman, was youthful, and had an air of high breeding and refinement, and a face marked with intellect, though otherwise of unprepossessing aspect. His features wore even an ominous, though somewhat mirthful expression, while he pointed his long forefinger at the girl, and seemed to regard her as a creature completely within the scope of his influence 去书内

  • 用户675098 用户675098

    there are two person watching a young girl sitting in the window with a boy thereby. The boy had a strange simle on his face which seems that everything was at his hand.

    2023-06-02 喜欢(0) 回复(0)