接着,胡适指出,宋代理学家用《大学》中“格物致知”作为治学的方法,其精神与现代科学是完全一致的。所以,在19世纪科学传入中国时,最初“science”的翻译是“格致”,也就是“格物致知”的缩写。他认为“格致”这个词远比“科学”更能体现“science”的本义。 去书内

  • 霜晨 霜晨


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  • 用户675613 用户675613

    That was probably the kind of simple and direct message which Hui-nêng had for the poor and the lowly who understood him and loved him. He made light of “all the ink in the universe,” and left no writing.⑨

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