fashioned as one pleases; I have touched little more than those heads which I judged necessary for the breeding of a young gentleman of his condition in general; and have now published these my occasional thoughts with this hope, that tho’ this be far from being a complete treatise on this subject, or such as that every one may find what will just fit his child in it, yet it may give some small light to those, whose concern for their dear little ones makes them so irregularly bold, that they dare venture to consult their own reason in the education of their children, rather than wholly to rely upon old custom. 去书内

  • 用户676163 用户676163

    For China, the supporting role of education in economy is not as obvious as that of western countries, especially in higher education, and there is still a big gap between China's scientific and technological strength and technological innovation ability and foreign countries. Aside from this gap, as far as China's national conditions are concerned, the role of education is also crucial. The weak concept of education in rural areas of China directly leads to the huge gap between urban and rural living standards. Many rural families and even schools only regard education as a means to get rid of poverty. Most of their children drop out of school when they are in Grade One or Grade Two, and few people can really go to college or the same level of education. The significance of education for them is to know how to read and understand simple arithmetic. It is easy to form a cycle. The father has a high school education and the next generation has a high school education.

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