Consumption may be regarded as negative production. Just as man can produce only utilities, so he can consume nothing more. He can produce services and other immaterial products, and he can consume them. But as his production of material products is really nothing more than a rearrangement of matter which gives it new utilities; so his consumption of them is nothing more than a disarrangement of matter, which diminishes or destroys its utilities. Often indeed when he is said to 去书内

  • 用户676163 用户676163

    Sismondi and Rochelle both mentioned that economics studies "people". But the concept of people they are talking about is rather vague. Masha, the pioneer of the subjective economic school, clearly pointed out in (Economic Harmony) that "the object of political economy is people" and explained that "desire, effort and satisfaction are people in the economic point of view". Austrian mengle clearly defined the research object of political economy as human desire and its satisfaction. He divided economics into applied economics, historical statistical economics and theoretical economics. He pointed out in "Principles of National Economics" that theoretical economics studies the conditions for human beings to carry out their pre-financing activities to satisfy their desires. Both Pombavik and Wiezell still regard human desire and its satisfaction as the research object of political economy. Jevons also pointed out that economics is the calculus of happiness and pain.

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