Another distinction to which some prominence has been given, but which is vague and perhaps not of much practical use, is that between consumers' goods (called also consumption goods, or again goods of the first order), such as food, clothes, etc. , which satisfy wants directly on the one hand; and, on the other hand, producers' goods (called also production goods, or again instrumental, or again intermediate goods), such as ploughs and looms and raw cotton, which satisfy wants indirectly by contributing towards the production of the first class of goods. 去书内

  • 用户676163 用户676163

    Marshall, a famous British economist, synthesized all kinds of research objects about economics when the view that economics is a wealth science was opposed and the definition of researchers was difficult to justify. In the book Principles of Economics, it is pointed out that on the one hand, economics is a science to study wealth, on the other hand, it is also a more important aspect, and it is a part of the discipline to study people.

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