.In a primitive community each family is nearly b self-sufficing, and provides most of its own food and clothing and even household furniture. Only a very small part of the income, or comings in, of the family is in the form of money; when one thinks of their income at all, one reckons in the benefits which they get from their cooking utensils, just as much as those which they get from their plough: one draws no distinction between their capital and the rest of their accumulated stock, to which the cooking utensils and the plough alike belong. But with the growth of a money economy there has been a strong tendency to confine the notion of income to those incomings which are in the form of money; including "payments in kind" (such as the free use of a house, free coals, gas, water), which are given as part of an employee's remuneration, and in lieu of money 去书内

  • 用户676163 用户676163

    Marshall, a famous British economist, synthesized all kinds of research objects about economics when the view that economics is a wealth science was opposed and the definition of researchers was difficult to justify. In the book Principles of Economics, it is pointed out that on the one hand, economics is a science to study wealth, on the other hand, it is also a more important aspect, and it is a part of the discipline to study people.

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