and the goodwill of his business. To the things in his possession must be added those to which he has a right and from which he is drawing income: including loans which he has made on mortgage or in other ways, and all the command over capital which he may hold under the complex forms of the modern "money market. " On the other hand debts owed by him must be deducted from his capital. This definition of capital from the individual or business point of view is firmly established in ordinary usage; and it will be assumed throughout the present treatise whenever we are discussing problems relating to 去书内

  • 用户676163 用户676163

    In 1932, Robbins summed up the common essence of many economists' concepts of economics, and put forward a classic definition of economics in On the Nature and Significance of Economic Science: "Economics is a science of human behavior that studies the relationship between purpose and scarce means with optional uses". This shows that the emergence of economics lies in the contradiction between endless human desires and scarcity of goods. Hicks's "Value and Capital" also clearly shows that political economy is a science that studies human behavior choices. Paul samuelson, a famous contemporary American economist, also wrote in his Economics that economics is a science that studies how people and society make the final choice.

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