.Next to consider some details relating to capital. It has been classed as Consumption capital, and Auxiliary or Instrumental capital: and though no clear distinction can be drawn between the two classes, it may sometimes be convenient to use the terms, with the understanding that they are vague. Where definiteness is necessary, the terms should be avoided; and explicit enumerations should be given. The general notion of the distinction which the terms are designed to suggest, can be gathered from the following approximate definitions. Consumption capital consists of goods in a form to satisfy wants directly; that is, goods which 去书内

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    The theory of macroeconomic behavior is represented by Keynes, a famous British economist. Economics before the Keynesian Revolution mostly analyzed microeconomic behaviors, such as studying the economic behaviors of individual consumer goods, individual markets or individual enterprises and industries, which mostly belonged to microeconomics. On the research object of economics, Keynes changed from microeconomic behavior analysis to macroeconomic behavior analysis. Keynes emphasized the gross research of national income, total employment, total demand and total supply, and emphasized "the whole economic system, how to make all the resources in this system reach the most appropriate employment". The publication of Keynes (general theory of employment, interest and money) in 1936 marked the emergence of macroeconomics.

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