From this point of view income is regarded as including all the benefits which mankind derive at any time from their efforts, in the present and in the past, to turn nature's resources to their best account. The pleasure derived from the beauties of the rainbow, or the sweet taste of the fresh morning air, are left out of the reckoning, not because they are unimportant, nor because the estimate would in any way be vitiated by including them; but solely because reckoning them in would serve no good purpose, while it would add greatly to the length of our sentences and the prolixity of our discussions. For a similar reason it is not worth while to take separate account of the simple services which nearly every one renders to himself, such as putting on his clothes; though there are a few persons who choose to pay others to do such things for them. Their exclusion involves no principle; and time spent by some controversial writers on discussing it has been wasted. It simply follows the maxim De minimis non curat lex. A driver who, not noticing a pool in his way, splashes a passer by is not held to have done him legal injury; though there is no distinction in principle between his act and that of another, who by a similar lack of attention, did serious harm 去书内

  • 用户676163 用户676163

    There are two viewpoints of generalized object theory: (1) Horizontal analysis. This view holds that economics is a science that studies economic theory, economic problems and economic policies. It defines the research object of economics as economic theory, economic problems and economic policies. (2) Vertical and horizontal analysis. According to this view, the research object of economics includes six aspects, namely, origin, genre, theory, method, problem and policy.

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