That good man has now long been dead. But still, on every Sabbath-morning, in the cities and country villages, and wheresoever the steeple of a church points upward to the sky, the children take their way to the Sunday-school. Thousands, and tens of thousands, have there received instruction, which has been more profitable to them than all the gold on earth. And we may be permitted to believe, that, in the celestial world, where the founder of the system now exists, he has often met with other happy spirits, who have blessed him as the earthly means by which they were rescued from hopeless ignorance and evil, and guided on the path to Heaven. Is not this a proof; that when the humblest person acts in the simplicity of a pure heart, and with no design but to do good, God may be expected to take the matter into His all-powerful hands and adopt the action as His own? 去书内

  • *ZX* *ZX*

    The plan worked, attracting more well-wishers. Sunday school was created. More and more children have access to Sunday school. Mr. Rex may not be known to many people, but his contributions will certainly be appreciated. The story tells the story of the protagonist through a lonely block in London, where everywhere is full of crime, gray and poverty, groups of children in the filthy environment slowly into the path of evil and crime. His heart was filled with grief and pity, and the goodness in his nature was aroused, and in the end he took the good action which saved thousands of people.

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