另一方面,如有博学的人天性高傲固执,那么适当了解一些皮浪主义则能减少他们的傲慢,因为皮浪主义怀疑精神可以让他们明白,他们与别人相比所占的那点点优势,和人性中固有的、广泛的迷惑和纷乱之感比起来,实在是微不足道。总之,一个合理的推理者在进行一切考察和决断之时,都应该具备一定程度的怀疑、谨慎和谦恭的态度。 去书内

  • JU.1 JU.1

    Empiricism comes from a deep reflection on the limitations of rationalism. In this book, there are several points that I think are more important: first, the idea must come from the material acquired by the human senses, that is to say, the human imagination can never exceed the scope of experience; Second, the interconnectedness of ideas follows similarities, connections in time and space, and cause-effect. And the connection between cause and effect comes not from reason but from experience. But how can reasoning from the individual to the general be logically justified?

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