The CLASS is formed of individuals of diverse origin, linked together not by a community of beliefs, as are the members of a sect, or by common professional occupations, as are the members of a caste, but by certain interests and certain habits of life and education almost identical. The middle class and the agricultural class are examples. 去书内

  • JU.1 JU.1

    The individual in a group is not only fundamentally different from himself in action, but his thoughts and feelings have changed even before he has completely lost his independence. The change is so profound that it can turn a miser into a spendthrift, a skeptic into a believer, an honest man into a criminal, and a coward into a hero. Groups are always intellectually inferior to isolated individuals, but in terms of feelings and the actions they inspire, groups can perform better or worse than individuals, depending on the circumstances. It all depends on the nature of the suggestion received by the group.

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