因此,在这个论题上,那些比较深刻的、更富哲学意识的怀疑论者总是会占上风,他们努力把普遍怀疑观引入人类知识和研究的各个领域。他们会问,你是按照自然的本能和天性来相信感官的真实吗?如果是这样,你会相信你的知觉或你所感知的影像就是外界事物本身。你会抛弃这个原则,接受另一个更合理的观点,认为各种知觉只不过外界事物在心中的一种表现吗?这样的话,你既背离了自己的自然天性和明显的情感,又无法满足你的理性,因为理性不能从经验中找出有力的证据,来证明知觉和外界事物之间是有联系的。 还有一个类似的怀疑论 去书内

  • 欧kk 欧kk

    Hume's comprehensive analysis of human cognitive activity points out that human cognitive capacity is limited. His analysis of philosophies including religion, atheism, and absolute skepticism leads to his philosophy of "moderate skepticism." As a moderate skeptic, Hume believed that a reasonable reasoner should retain a permanent degree of skepticism, caution, and humility in all his examinations and assertions. A moderate skepticism or collegiate philosophy can be both enduring and useful. Nor is the conclusion of philosophy anything other than a systematic and revised reflection on everyday life, and Hume points out that there are two aspects of the inherent subject of science and research that one can come to: a quantitative science, and the existence of actual and factual facts that are based entirely on experience.

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