And when he came to the magician's house, the magician opened to him, and brought him in, and said to him,‘Hast thou the piece of yellow gold?' And the Star-Child said to him,‘I have not.' So the magician fell upon him, and beat him, and loaded him with chains, and cast him again into the dungeon 去书内

  • 秦禹轩 秦禹轩

    Overall Impact: Assess the overall impact and significance of "The Nightingale and the Rose." Consider its enduring popularity, influence on literature, and its place within Wilde's body of work. Reflect on how the story resonates with you personally and its potential relevance to a wider audience. Remember that evaluating a literary work is subjective, and different readers may have different interpretations and perspectives. The key is to provide a thoughtful analysis supported by evidence from the text itself.

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