And on the morrow the magician came to him, and said,‘If today thou bringest me the piece of red gold I will set thee free, but if thou bringest it not I will surely slay thee.' 去书内

  • 秦禹轩 秦禹轩

    "The Nightingale and the Rose" is a short story by Oscar Wilde, first published in 1888. It is a fairy tale that explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the nature of art. The story revolves around a nightingale who overhears a young student lamenting that he cannot find a red rose to give to his beloved. The nightingale is deeply moved by the student's despair and decides to help him by sacrificing her own life to create a red rose. The story expresses several key ideas. Firstly, it highlights the idea of true love and the sacrifices one may make for it. The nightingale, driven by her love for the student, willingly gives up her life to create the red rose that he desires. This emphasizes the notion of selflessness and the lengths one may go to for the sake of love. Secondly, the story explores the theme of the nature of art and its connection to reality. The nightingale's song is described as the most beautiful in the world, and her act of sacrifice is seen as a work of art. Wilde suggests that art, like the nightingale's song, can bring beauty and meaning to the world, even if it is ephemeral.

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