So the Star-Child went to the wood, and all day long he searched for the piece of red gold, but nowhere could he find it. And at evening he sat him down and wept, and as he was weeping there came to him the little hare 去书内

  • 秦禹轩 秦禹轩

    Additionally, the story comments on the superficiality and materialistic nature of society. The student's obsession with obtaining a red rose to impress his beloved reflects the societal expectations and the importance placed on material possessions. Wilde criticizes this shallow mindset and suggests that true love and genuine emotions are more valuable than material wealth or appearance. In summary, "The Nightingale and the Rose" expresses themes of love, sacrifice, the nature of art, and the superficiality of society. It encourages the reader to reflect on the nature of true love and the significance of selflessness and genuine emotions in a world that often values superficiality.

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