And a cry of joy broke from his lips, and he ran over, and kneeling down he kissed the wounds on his mother's feet, and wet them with his tears. He bowed his head in the dust, and sobbing, as one whose heart might break, he said to her: ‘Mother, I denied thee in the hour of my pride. Accept me in the hour of my humility. Mother, I gave thee hatred. Do thou give me love. Mother, I rejected thee. Receive thy child now.' But the beggar-woman answered him not a word. 去书内

  • Yuᴗu Yuᴗu

    From this experience, the Star-Child learns the importance of compassion and selflessness. He realizes that true beauty lies in acts of kindness and love, rather than in physical appearance. The story ends with the Star-Child vowing to be a better person and to use his beauty for good. The Star-Child is a powerful allegory that explores themes of beauty, compassion, and redemption. It serves as a reminder that true beauty is not superficial, but rather it is found in the way we treat others and in our capacity for empathy. In conclusion, The Star-Child is a thought-provoking story that teaches valuable life lessons. It reminds us to look beyond appearances and to value kindness and compassion. The story serves as a timeless reminder that true beauty comes from within, and that it is our actions and treatment of others that define us as individuals.

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