售票处的售票员说:“再买一份意外保险吧?”“不用了,”我想了一下说,“不用了,我相信不会有事故的。今天我一整天都会坐火车旅行。不过,明天我就不旅行了。给我一份明天的意外保险吧。”那个售票员看起来很困惑。他说:“但这是意外事故的保险,而且要是你坐火车旅行的话——”“要是我坐火车旅行,我就不需要保险了。在家躺在床上才是让我害怕的事情。”我一直在研究这件事情。去年,我旅行了20,000英里,几乎都是坐火车;前年,我旅行了25,000多英里,一半路程坐轮船,一半路程坐火车;大前年,我在周边旅行了大约10,000英里,都是坐火车。我想,如果我把这些零碎的小旅程加起来的话,可以说,在刚刚提到的三年中我已经旅行了60,000英里。而且从没发生过事故。 去书内

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    The Danger of Lying on the Boat is a novel written by French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupé ry, which mainly tells the story of a little prince who meets, communicates and conflicts with all kinds of people in the process of finding the meaning of life. As a science fiction novel, it not only pays attention to the plot and story, but also deeply discusses the inner world of human beings, the meaning of existence, interpersonal relationships and other issues. The novel is narrated in the first person. The innocence, curiosity, kindness and respect for life of the little prince make people moved, and also make readers think more deeply about life and existence.

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