‘Nay, but thou art indeed my little son, whom I bore in the forest,' she cried, and she fell on her knees and held out her arms to him.‘The robbers stole thee from me, and left thee to die,' she murmured,‘but I recognised thee when I saw thee, and the signs also have I recognised, the cloak of golden tissue and the amber chain. Therefore I pray thee come with me, for over the whole world have I wandered in search of thee. Come with me, my son, for I have need of thy love. 去书内

  • 可乐加冰 可乐加冰

    The ballad that was obviously sacrificed with life was said to have no soul, and the nightingale gave her life. The student thinks it knows nothing, and he doesn't even notice the nightingale who pays silently. He scolded the girl for being ungrateful, so did he. Moreover, he is too weak to learn philosophy clearly, but he can't see the essence of things clearly. He rebuked the futility of love, because he was defeated in love, and rebuked the futility of philosophy, because he was expecting love. He has no idea of his own. Regarding this student, Wilde wrote in a letter: "In my opinion, he is a very shallow young man, almost as bad as the girl he thinks he is in love with." He has read a lot of books, but he can't use them to solve the smallest problems he meets in life. He thought that the only reason that prevented him from getting the professor's daughter was the lack of a red rose, but he didn't understand that love should not depend on foreign things.

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