一只被困在陷阱里的狐狸成功逃脱了,但却为此失去了自己的尾巴。从那以后,狐狸因受到别人的羞辱和嘲笑而感觉自己的生活是个包袱。于是,他谋划着让其他所有的狐狸都相信没有尾巴更有吸引力,从而弥补他自己的缺失。他召集了很多狐狸,并公开向他们建议切断他们的尾巴,说没有尾巴不仅能让他们看起来更好看,而且还可以摆脱给他们造成极大不便的尾巴的重量。其中一只狐狸打断他,对他说:“朋友,如果你自己没有失去尾巴,你可能就不会这样来建议我们了。” 去书内

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    a fox caught in a trap escaped but in so doing lost his tail there after feeling hus life a burden from the shame and ridicule to which he was exposed he schemed to convince all the other foxes that being tailless was much more attractive thus making up for his own deprivation he assembled a good many foxes and pubilcly advised them to cut off their tails saying that they would not only look much better without them but that they would get rid of the weight of the brush shich was a very great inconvenience one of them interruping him said if youhad not your self lost your tail my friend you would

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