有一条狗,每遇到一个人,总会悄悄跑上前,跟在人家的后面,然后趁其不备突然咬他们。狗的主人在它的脖子上挂了一个铃铛,这样不管这条狗去哪里,都可以告知别人它的存在。狗以为铃铛是荣誉勋章的标志,倍感自豪,便挂着个铃铛在集市上叮叮当当地四处转悠。一天,一只老猎犬对这条狗说:“你为什么要这样出尽洋相呢?相信我,你身上挂的铃铛绝不是什么荣誉勋章,恰恰相反,它是耻辱的标志,告知所有人你是条粗野的狗而注意避让。” 去书内

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    a dog used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met and to bite them without notice his master suspended a bell about his neck so that the dog might gice notice of his presence whereever he went thinking it a mark of distinction the dog grew proud of his bell and went tihkling it all over th emaketplace one day a nold hound said to him why do you make such an exhibition of your self that bell taht you carry is not believe me any order of merit but on the contrary a mark of dis grace a publisc notice to all men to avoid you a s an ill mannered dog

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