很久以前,公牛企图杀死屠夫,因为屠夫从事的行业有害于公牛这个种族。一天,公牛们集合在一起,准备实施它们的计划,并为这场角逐磨尖了自己的犄角。但是,它们中的一头非常老的公牛(因为它耕过很多田地)说道:“这些屠夫的确是屠杀我们的,但是他们屠杀时手法熟练,没有给我们带来不必要的疼痛。如果我们除掉了他们,我们将落入手法不精的屠夫之手,这样我要死亡两次:因为你可能清楚,尽管所有的屠夫都该死,但是人类是永远不会缺少牛肉的 去书内

  • 黄婕 黄婕

    the oxen once upon a time sought to destroy the butchers who practiced a trade destructive to their race theyassembled on a certain day to carry out theeir purpose and sharpened their horns for the conteser but one of them who was exceedingly old for many a field had he plowed thus spoke these butchers it is ture slaughter us but they do so with skillful hands a nd with no unnecessary pain if we get rid of them we shall fall into the hands of unskillful operators and thus suffer a double death for you may be assured that though all the butchers should perish yet will men never want beef

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