I consider that whatever a corpse wants done for his comfort is little enough matter, and a man hasn’t got no right to deceive him or take advantage of him; and whatever a corpse trusts me to do I’m 去书内

  • 金禹豪 金禹豪

    maybe it's juat the difference between the death and life. the death is distincted with our normal life. it can just be lasted for a finite time. that's which the reverence dirives from

    2015-04-26 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 廖芷君 廖芷君

    In my opinion,respecting and achieving the needs of the dead is hard because the dead can not say anything but the people alive can ,and the living people often do want they can do to show their for the dead.So this undertaker deserves our respect.

    2015-03-14 喜欢(0) 回复(0)