The real test whether a man truly loves his wife is whether he is anxious and tries in every thing reasonable, not only to protect her, but also not to hurt her, not to hurt her feelings.Now to bring a strange woman into the house must hurt the wife, hurt her feelings.But here, I say, it is what I have called the Religion of selflessness which protects the wife from being hurt: it is this absolute selflessness in the woman in China which makes it possible for her not to feel hurt when she sees her husband bring another woman into the house.In other words, it is the selflessness in the wife in China which enables, permits the husband to take a concubine without hurting the wife.For here, let me point out, a gentleman,—a real gentleman in China, never takes a concubine without the consent of his wife and a real gentlewoman or lady in China whenever there is a proper reason that her husband should take a concubine, will never refuse to give her consent 去书内

  • 村花 村花

    I really think that it is an untenable argument. What about the relationship between the sovereign and the man? The author points out that the man loves his sovereign and has a duty to be loyal to him and at the same time he says the man loves his wife but can still take a concubine. However, do you think it is acceptable for a man to be loyal to two different sovereigns? Absolutely not, he would be killed for that..... The logic presented here is really ludicrous tho

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