And I could express this with an athletic analogy. Imagine I’m running a gym and we have all of these different athletic tests. So, we have a running test, we have a basketball shooting test, a swimming test, fencing, a list of ten of them. Now, each of you go through each of the tests and then you’ll each get ten scores. But what we’ll discover is that the scores are not independent of one another. People who are good at one athletic thing tend to be good at another. If there’s somebody who’s really good at running and swimming, odds are they’re probably pretty good at climbing. And the same thing holds for IQ, which is above and beyond how good people are at specific things there seems to be a factor as to how well they are in general. And this factor is known as G. 去书内

  • 用户684494 用户684494

    The factor is called G, which determines their movement factors

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