Now, this is about IQ tests. We could now ask about their reliability and their validity. What do they mean? This has turned out to be a matter of extreme debate. A lot of the debate was spawned by the book by Herrnstein and Murray about—called The Bell Curve. And in The Bell Curve these authors made the argument that IQ matters immensely for everyday life and that people’s status in society? How rich they are and how successful they are? Follow their IQ as measured in standard IQ tests. Now, this book made a lot of claims and it’s probably before many of your time, but spawned huge controversy. And as a result of this controversy some interesting papers came out. 去书内

  • 用户684494 用户684494

    This book presents many propositions, perhaps before you spend a lot of time, but it has sparked huge controversy. Due to this debate, some interesting papers have emerged

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