这种物质文明——机械的进步——才真正是精神的。机械的进步是利用智力创造机器,增加人类工作与生产的能力,以免徒手徒脚的劳苦而求生活。这样,我们才有闲余的时间与精力去欣赏较高的文化 去书内

  • 用户733919 用户733919

    Herein, therefore, lies, the real spirituality of the material civilization, of mechanical progress per se. Mechanical progress means the use of human intelligence to devise tools and machines to multiply the working ability and productivity of man so that he may be relieved from the fate of toiling incessantly with his unaided hands, feet, and back without being able to earn a bare subsistence, and so that he may have enough time and energy left to seek and enjoy the higher values which civilization can offer him.

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