must not think nonsense, he thought. Luck is a thing that comes in many forms and who can recognize her? I would take some though in any form and pay what they asked. I wish I could see the glow from the lights, he thought. I wish too many things. But that is the thing I wish for now. He tried to settle more comfortably to steer and from his pain he knew he was not dead 去书内

  • 用户701563 用户701563

    千万不要胡思乱想,他想。幸运是一种有多种形式的东西,谁能认出她呢?我会采取任何形式的一些,并支付他们的要求。我希望我能看到灯光的光芒,他想。我的愿望太多了。但这正是我现在所希望的。他试着更舒服地坐下来掌舵,从痛苦中他知道自己没有死。 他在晚上十点左右看到了城市灯光的反光。它们最初只有在月亮升起之前天空中的光线时才能察觉到。然后,他们稳稳地看到了大海的另一边,现在风越来越大,海面很波涛汹涌。他驶入了光芒之中

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