And finally, you can’t trust some of your memories. Your reading response for this week is you have to use your powers for good and not for evil, though if you manage to succeed at this I will be very impressed. But you have to describe, based on the lecture materials and the readings, how to implant a false memory. We have a few minutes. Any questions on memory? Yes. The example is, “What sort of memory is it when you know how to play the piano?” And it’s a very good question. It is long-term memory because you might know how to do a concerto or a song and then you have it stored in your head and you carry it around with you. You’ll remember it a year from now, two years from now. It is long-term memory but it is also an excellent example of implicit memory because you know how to do it but you could do it unconsciously without attending to it. It 去书内

  • 李小梁Jadon Lee 李小梁Jadon Lee


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