How does this quantity compare and how do therefore the prices compare,
and how do profits compare with monopoly prices on the one hand, and
competitive prices on the other? So we know the quantity that's going to
be produced. We figured that out; here it is. We know the quantities
going to be produced. Each firm is going to produce a-c over 3b and
there are two such firms. So the total quantity produced in the
market-the total quantity will be 2a-c over 3b. How does that compare to
the monopoly quantity? Well, the monopoly quantity was a-c over 2b and
the competitive quantity was a-c over b, just to remind you of those,
they're on our picture. Here's a-c over 2b and here's a-c over b. So
this is the total quantity produced on this equilibrium, in this Cournot
Nash Equilibrium. How did it compare to the monopoly quantity and to the
competitive quantity? Anybody? Just staring at the board, which is of
these, is bigger?
李小梁Jadon Lee