Total quantity being produced is less than would be produced under perfect competition, but more than would be produced under monopoly. Consequently, prices are going to go the other way and consequently prices are going to be highest under monopoly, lowest on the competition, and somewhere in between in this Cournot situation. So from the point of view of the producers, this Cournot Equilibrium is worse than monopoly, but better than perfect competition. And from the point of view of the rest of us, the consumers, this Cournot quantity is worse than perfect competition but better than monopoly. The only rider on that being, if they're producing Coca-Cola and you have any kind of concern for your teeth, maybe you shouldn't produce so much anyway. So, so far what we've done is we've looked at this sort of classical, I admit not the most exciting game in the world, but classic application of Game Theory to imperfect competition. 去书内

  • 李小梁Jadon Lee 李小梁Jadon Lee


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