《韶》响难追,郑声易启。岂惟观乐?于焉识礼。(刘勰《文心雕龙·乐府》) (虞舜时的《韶》乐难以企及,而淫靡俗乐却很容易流行。难道季札当年只是为了想听鲁国的音乐?他是想通过音乐了解礼的兴衰啊。) Classical music from the era of Yu and Shun is hard to grasp, whereas the crass and seductive music (of Zheng) can easily become popular. Do you think Jizha only wanted to listen to the music of the State of Lu? He wanted to understand, through music, the decline of rites and etiquette. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons) 去书内