Tess felt like crying but turned quickly and went out. Her mother went with her to the edge of the village. There she stopped and stood waving goodbye, and watched her daughter walking away into the distance. A waggon came to take her bags, and then a fashionable little carriage appeared. It was driven by a well-dressed young man smoking a cigar. After a moment's hesitation, Tess stepped in. Joan Durbeyfield, watching, wondered for the first time if she had been right in encouraging Tess to go. That night she said to her husband, 'Perhaps I should have found out how the gentleman really feels about her. 去书内

  • 范高顺 范高顺

    苔丝直觉得想哭,但她还是迅速转身走了。她母亲陪她走到了村头。在那儿停住,挥手道别后,母亲就看着女儿渐渐走远了。一辆货车驶过来,装上了苔丝的行李,然后又有一辆时髦的小马车出现在她面前。驾车的是一个抽着雪茄、穿着讲究的年轻人。苔丝犹豫了一下,然后上了车。 琼·德北瞪大了眼睛,头一次怀疑起她鼓励苔丝去到底正确与否。那天晚上,她对丈夫说:“也许我应该先弄清楚那位先生对她的真实感情才对。”

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