On a sudden, at another opening of the Wood, we heard the Noise of a Gun; and looking that Way, out rush'd a Horse, with a Saddle, and a Bridle on him, flying like the Wind, and sixteen or seventeen Wolves after him, full Speed; indeed, the Horse had the Heels of them; but as we suppos'd that he could not hold it at that rate, we doubted not but they would get up with him at last, and no question but they did. 去书内

  • 用户718849 用户718849

    Suddenly, from another part of the forest clearing, we heard the sound of a gunshot. Looking in that direction, a horse burst out. It had a saddle and a bridle on, and was galloping like the wind, with sixteen or seventeen wolves chasing it at full speed. Indeed, the horse was initially faster than them. But since we thought it couldn't maintain that pace, we were certain that the wolves would eventually catch up with it, and surely they did.

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