
  • 用户697866 用户697866

    “epaulets” 全部笔记(1) 去书内


    2023-12-07 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户675094 用户675094

    “shapes” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    Additionally, women are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of alcohol. Female heavy drinkers face a higher risk than men in developing serious health consequences of alcohol abuse such as cirrhosis, high blood pressure, damage to the brain and pancreas and nerve damage and weakening of the heart muscle than men. Luckily, if women are treated in a good de-addiction facility they will be far likelier to get help and keep abstinence.

    2023-06-03 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户675094 用户675094

    “possessed” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    Firstly, men have more water in yhe body than wemon to dilute alcohol. Secondly, men have higher concentrations of dehydrogenase tham women to metabolize alcohol. Thirdly, the hormonal changes will make women become intoxicated faster. Lastly, women have more body fat than men which make it faster for women to experience alcohol-induced intoxication than men.

    2023-06-03 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户675094 用户675094

    “Daffydowndilly” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    Do men and women process alcohol differently? The answer is yes. Studies prove that the process of dealing with alcohol abuse does more harm to women than men. Hence, women need to learn the difference between themselves and men and reduce their alcohol consumption. In the same situation of body, many ill-health consequences of alcohol abuses develop faster in women than in men. Generally speaking, because of the fat, dehydrogenase and hormonal, it is more difficult for women to process alcohol than for men. There are four physical aspects to explain the difference of processing alcohol consumption between men and women.

    2023-06-03 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户568423 用户568423

    “They had not gone far, when the road passed by a field where...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    Contrast the two lives of Daffydowndilly.

    2023-03-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户568423 用户568423

    “Now, the whole of Daffydowndilly’s life had hitherto been...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    These sentences indirectly shows the old man was really strict.

    2023-03-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户568423 用户568423

    “Daffydowndilly was so called because in his nature he...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    This paragraph shows why the boy was called Daffydowndilly and his living situation.

    2023-03-16 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户675094 用户675094

    “rambles about the world” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    It means that someone thinks about the world with relaxing situation.

    2023-03-11 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户675094 用户675094

    “off started” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    It is similar to the word begin or start.

    2023-03-11 喜欢(0) 回复(0)

  • 用户675094 用户675094

    “disagreeable” 全部笔记(1) 去书内

    It is a adj. It means that something or someone makes one person feel uncomfortable. It also means that someone is not easy-going.

    2023-03-08 喜欢(0) 回复(0)