“When the king's anger was spent, and he was able to think what...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
The stranger asked king gave him a reward that the first thing came out
palace to found king. When king came back, a nurse brough the new born
baby to welcome him. Then, the king exchanged his son for a peasant's girl.
“The king did not answer directly, but after awhile he spoke:...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
The king lost himself in a forest. A stranger found him and said he
would give way to king but he had request. He wanted to get one thing
belonging to king.
“Some servants who saw what had happened came rushing to the...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
Don't let your curiosity control yourself. The prince ignored the words
of his wife,opening the twelve door. And the a dragon appeared and took
him away his wife.
“and instantly was changed into a beautiful maiden, more...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
The emperor wanted his son yo find out who stolen the fruits of the
golden tree. The oldest the middle princes failed because of sleepy.
Finally,the youngest prince saw a girl.
“Anastasia saw the bearer of the letter and he pleased her very...” 全部笔记(1)去书内
Mark wanted to kill Vassili twice, but he failed. And out of his
imagination, Vassili married his daughter with the help of three
beggers. While he knew it, he was very angry.