“But if this were the case the molecules in their free paths...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
The conclusion
2024-04-04 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
“the venous blood to unite with oxygen, so” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
The acticle has impose many similar phenomenons with the same priciple.
2024-03-31 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
““mechanical values of heat” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
This is a key sum of the phenomenon the scientists themselves found.
“which closes the circuit; and also proportional to the square...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
He got a result and discover the phenomenon, promoting the development of electricity.
“the attractive force exerted by two electro-magnets, or by an...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
This is the electro-magnets priciple.
“colour-blind people can perceive the extreme end of the...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
The colour-blind people can perceive the specturm of red, but what them feel is darker than what us. So they can not caught the color we called red.
2024-03-29 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
“cards act on the system of movable rods in that machine. In...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
By lob we can catch the light and get the colorful sight.
2024-03-28 喜欢(0) 回复(0)
“extreme indigo and the violet.” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
both of them are kinds of blue.
“have already shown you how we can make a mixture of any three...” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
the topic sentence includes the main ideas of the articles.
“that colour may vary in hue, tint, and shade.” 全部笔记(1) 去书内
Three main elements of each color.
Nature: The Living Record of Science