A Real Girl- Nature
Twelve Historic girls who all leave their names on the history book, do share something in common. I cannot agree the author more that there is a real nature which is being impulsive, trusting, tender and true. If I have to choose one which is most important to me, it's being true.
No matter the nature of human being is good or bad, I always believe that there is some place in our heart is as soft as water, so we must be tender in some situation in spite of age. Being true, however, is not so easy to say, let alone to do in according with it , espeacially in present society. Genuineness may lead to misunderstanding, but it is my persistance as well as my strengh.
I do not deny that these girls, they all seem to be princess, miserable or not, and they do have some priviligs which contribute to there greatness, such as the beat education from literate parents or tutors. We cannot, however, neglate their own endeavour and preseverance.
As I was reading this book, it was pretty natural for me to recall my own memories when I was 6, 10 or 16 years old. They are articulate and wise enough to fight against vile people; they are brave and skillful enough to using their sward to beat enemies; they are ambious and far-sighted to be who they want to be. At their ages, I was just a quite little girl who needed mother's or sister's protection as well as comfort; I only care about the candies and the dolls I had; I desired nothing but the love from who I also love; I just imagined to be a scientist and enjoyed "Superman" such as "The Flash" on the TV show.
I admire these girls and I am oblidged to learn from them in some aspects, but to be honest, I do not want to be any one of them even if there are some modern versions. I just need acquire some of their qualities to improve myself, such as valor and ability.
Actually, except for these 12 girls, there are still numorous girls who have been glittering or are glittering in their lives which are not known by others. Just be ourselves and lead a satisfactory lives with others living in the heart as well as ourselves.